September 28, 2023

Foundation Piero Piccinelli

Casa Maria Consolatrice is an RSA that gives hospitality and an answer to the welfare needs of elderly and sick people who do not have the opportunity to face their problems without removing them from their environment familiar. Scroll for more
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October 4, 2023

Foundation Recanatesi

The Casa di Riposo Fondazione Recanatesi of Osimo is an excellent residential structure, characterized by a medium intensity of care, mainly given to the hospitality destined to accommodate, temporarily or permanently, elderly self-sufficient. Scroll for more
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November 11, 2023

Rest home San Francesco – Legnano

The Health Care Residence San Francesco di Legnano is a place dedicated to the reception and care of people. Before being a socio-sanitary structure, it is conceived as a single large house. Scroll for more
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