RSA: improving comfort without waste

The building is designed to offer guests maximum comfort and hospitality. It is located in a hilly area a few steps from the city of

The structure consists of:

  • 1 building, 3 floors


  • 70 guests
    • 2 natural gas boilers with total power of 640 kW, also ACS
      • ul>ul>

      • 79.000 Smc annual


      The facility needed to optimize the heat supply in the environment, including the domestic hot water production service, without having too much waste.


    In the previous graph we see the test ON-OFF: the blue color represents the consumption of a warm-up day without the use of the BRAIN system, the orange color, instead, the days when the BRAIN system is lit.

    The structure thanks to the system has achieved a seasonal saving of 13.3 %, equal to 10,500 Smc of methane gas, 21 tons of CO2.